Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday Stinks...

Today was one of those days you wish you could just stay in bed and never get up. The nausea was a nightmare and I ended up taking my Zofran with me where ever I went. Have I ever mentioned that I really, really, really dislike being nauseated.

Today has also been a nightmare for the up and down moods. I hate not being patient. My oldest son has started moving into that "I know it all Mom" phase and it drives me BANANAS! I have been able to diffuse it pretty quickly but today not so much. I lost my temper and really felt bad after. Later we had a long talk about being respectful and the best way to talk to your Mom, but it was still after losing my temper. Well there you have it world, I am human! Send it to the papers!

Later we went to dinner and it was another test of my ability to function without losing my temper. Why is it when you are struggling with this crazy up and down temper the people around you act ridiculous? There always seems to be some little comment where I want scream, luckily there was plenty to distract so I was able to avoid any ugliness.

I am looking forward to the next two days. I am creeping up on 12 weeks and then the next week starts the second trimester. I am hoping everyday that it will be much better than the first even though it hasn't been too horrible. Anyway, that is about the extend of my Monday.

Two more days till 12 weeks.

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