Monday, July 25, 2011

Busy Few Days - 10 Weeks 5 Days

The last few days have been crazy with all the work at school coming to a close. Classes end in two weeks and I will find out if I can proceed to the final class for doing the research for my thesis and if I will graduate. Nerves are deeply affected by the thought that it all comes down to these last classes.

The nausea has been tough. I have had a few break through moments but nothing too overwhelming like the last time when it took me out of commission. I have found that I am becoming OCD about taking my Zofran. I count to the minute when the next dose is and MAKE SURE it is taken on time. Even if I have to stay up a little later to get a dose I make sure it gets taken. I feel panic sometimes thinking I might miss a dose. Seriously how crazy is this, but considering the nightmare of the nausea and vomiting I go through I suppose this on some level makes sense.

The last few days I have been having killer reflux. Taking Pepcid has helped, usually it flares up at night right before bed. I try to eat a little something that reduces acid and wait to go to bed till the burning wanes a bit. I keep saying this pregnancy is so backwards. Normally I have reflux, swelling in my legs, and aches in my hips and legs at the end of my pregnancy. This time it is all happening up front, maybe this means the end will be symptom free, would that be too much to ask?

On a lighter note, I braved Chuckie Cheese with all THREE of my boys. I know insane, and it was crazy. I usually do not do things like this without my hubby and especially pregnant, but my sister called and wanted to go. The older boys were fine, they did their thing, the little one was the nut. He was all over the place, and even just keeping my eyes on him I would lose him in the maze of games. Lesson learned, somethings require Daddy to tag along to make sure that I don't leave wishing for death lol, okay not that extreme. I came home and put my boys to bed and I took a nap. I slept like I was in a coma.

Well off to finish my class work for this term. Hoping that all things end well and I keep my 4.0 to the end and graduate with this GPA.

Two days away from the 12 week mark. Look out world we are closing in on baby number 4. :)

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