Thursday, July 21, 2011

So Tired - 10 Weeks 1 Day

Today has been one of those pregnancy crazy days. I am really tired and had a bad nausea day, but overall it was better than it was last week. My Dad really wants me to stay here a bit longer and I am thinking if I do stay, I just don't know how much more energy I can throw out there these coming days. I am not making my decision till the end of the week though, I want to make sure that the last few days of feeling good have not been some fluke. Time will tell and probably tomorrow and the next day will be the best predictor of what will be in the next couple weeks.

Other than tired and a bit of bad nausea there was not a great deal of negative pregnancy stuff.

On another note I am considering doing some "Mommy Water Time" when I get back. The Life Style Center at my husband's work has classes for expecting mothers. I have heard that pool time can help with the pregnancy aches and pains as the pregnancy progresses and the thought of some time to exercise and be around other pregnant Mommies sounds like fun. In addition I do not want to be 1000 lbs by the time my baby is born so a little exercise certainly won't hurt. The only thing is that the exercise is at 5 a.m. so freaking early, my dude and I would have to be up and out of the house quickly so that we could get to the exercise classes. I don't know I have a couple more weeks before I have to commit but I would like to do it I think and I know that it would be beneficial to both me and baby to have some exercise other than walking in the heat since I basically live on the surface of the sun, or so it feels like with the extreme heat in our area.


  1. I think the "Mommy Water Time" is a great idea. I think you should at least try it even if it is a 5 freaking o'clock. It might make you feel so much better that it wouldn't matter if it were at 3 in the morning. You are doing great! Keep blogging!!!

  2. I am thinking I will probably go for it, I called my father-in-law yesterday to see if he would watch my littlest and he said for sure he would. I think it would be good to get out there and be in the pool and then just get out a bit everyday. Thanks for reading Karen!
