Thursday, August 25, 2011

Shoo Flu ...BOOO

According to my estimates, and when I believe the baby was created I should be 15 weeks 1 day, according to the measures done the other day in the ultrasound I am actually only 14 weeks, but they said it was close enough that they would not change the due date. Whatever and whenever the baby will be here when it is supposed to be here.

This week has been tough. I have the flu, my hubby had it and now I have it, makes me so darn happy. I am currently running a fever and weighing whether or not to call the doctor or just ride this out. I have also been having aches in my hips and abdomen. Menstrual like cramping is the best description, which makes me nervous. I am really in my heart thinking it is just the flu causing the aches.

I need to do a great deal around the house but this week the only thing I have been able to do is lay on the couch and sleep. I hope that next week I can get more energy and get back to being the wife and Mommy that I want to be and need to be in our house.

This week was also the beginning of school. The boys and we have struggled getting back into a school routine. We are never in bed on time, but they do get to school on time so I guess that should count for something. Homework is something of a challenge. It seems like my oldest comes home with homework that keeps him tied to a chair for the rest of the night. I find this really frustrating. I hate that he spends all his time at school AND doing homework. I feel sorry for the kid and I am trying to figure out a way to address the issue with him and with his teachers. I am also going to have keep these hormones in check while addressing the issue :p ...

On Monday I went to the antepartum unit and had three litres of fluids and had blood tests run. I had been unable to keep anything down for several days. My doctor now wants to see me more often and is talking doing fluids every couple of weeks to try and head off the deep dehydration that could put me in the hospital. I like that she is proactive. Funny that when I went there I think every nurse I had while I was in the hospital with Aidan was working that day. They all remembered me and they all asked about the baby. The one thing that wasn't asked, "why are you having another?" I never realized how much this question annoys me until they didn't ask and there was a huge sense of relief and quietness that flooded me. I could rant on what makes this a ridiculous question and why anyone thinks they should ask the question, but I won't. Again, let me just say I am number four in my family and this baby is just as loved and wanted as the first baby in our family!

On that note I am going to curl up on the couch with my tissues and liquids. Good night blog world.

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