Saturday, July 30, 2011

Blah, Blah, Blah...

The dizziness has been really bad today. Beyond bad really, drinking and trying to stay cool to keep the problem solved. I took a long nap today and tried to keep my snacks healthy and low salt. Nothing seems to have worked at this point. I still have so much school work to do but my brain is a dizzy, muddled, mess. All I really want to do is lay down, but I have three boys to look after so that is pretty impossible.

Two more weeks here at my parents and then we will be heading back home. I will be getting the older two ready for school and trying to prepare my life for the new baby. I will have doctor appointments galore. Then there will be the unpacking and cleaning. I am sure the house will be messy. Then there is trying to figure out how we can buy a house before the baby comes or find another house with more bedrooms to rent. I would prefer to buy but there are many, many obstacles right now.

I hope to have an ultrasound when we get back, I want to make sure that the baby looks good. I keep having these crazy dreams that there is no baby it is some kind of tumor or something. Remnants of all the recent health issues I am sure. Seeing the baby on the screen, seeing the heart beat, and knowing it looks well will help set me at ease.

I am 11 weeks and 3 days today, not much longer till I hit the second trimester. I am still hoping that it will be better for me than previous pregnancies. I hope to post about my third pregnancy soon. Now off to finish my school work so I can have two wonderful weeks off to rest.

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